Blog — Inside Ride

Tips for new E-FLEX Plus riders:

Tips for New E-FLEX Plus Riders

It might feel a little unsettling at first, and that’s a good sign!

The jump from a fully rigid smart trainer to a multi-axis motion platform can be a bit much for some. If you're feeling uneasy with your new E-FLEX Plus system for the Wahoo KICKR or Wahoo CORE smart trainer, we urge you not to worry, but to take some time getting used to it before training hard.

Just like with rollers (and even riding a bike outside!) there is a learning curve, but we are confident just about anyone can ride (and thrive on) the E-FLEX Plus successfully as long as they work with the motion, rather than against it. Our many years selling rollers has shown that first impressions often unnerve people, but soon it becomes quite natural. We also have ways to limit the rocking motion for first time riders, so they can relax a little as they learn how it works.

See Our Latest Innovation in Action: The E-FLEX Plus for Wahoo KICKR and Wahoo CORE

A Video Clip of the E-FLEX Plus for Wahoo Smart Trainers, In Action.

The E-FLEX was great, but we stepped up our game. The E-FLEX Plus creates a new level of motion and mobility. Even though the E-FLEX Plus outperforms all multi-axis rocker systems (and costs much less than rocker plates) we still intend to offer the original E-FLEX as a simpler and lower cost version.This is what it looks like in action:

The Inventor of the E-FLEX Motion System for the Wahoo KICKR Tells All!

The Inventor of Inside Ride’s Products Tells All

Larry, the inventor of the E-FLEX Motion System for the Wahoo KICKR and Wahoo CORE smart trainer explains what the E-FLEX Motion System is, why and how it was invented and talks about his personal favorite workouts. Then, Larry answers the burning question all Inside Ride fans often have on their mind: “Is anything new in the works?”


What is the E-FLEX?

The E-FLEX is a motion platform for indoor bike riding. It was designed to fit any bike using the Kickr or Core smart trainers for resistance. By facilitating natural motion, we bring a more functional and realistic experience to cyclists who previously trained indoors on stationary, static bikes.

How long did this take to go from being an idea to being ready for market?

Well this didn't pop out fully formed. It percolated for more than a year before we built the earliest version for the rollers. That was the FFS. The two-piece design for the E-Flex didn't arrive for another two years, but both of those products use the bike's steering to control tilting motion. We call it "articulation" and we are the only motion platform to provide any sort of precise tilt control. Every other device on the market uses springs to essentially bounce side to side.

What made you think the E-FLEX should exist? What was lacking in the original Wahoo KICKR design?

The short answer is the standard Kickr doesn't move, which is truly a wasted opportunity. To train effectively motion is essential, and yet the most popular trainer on the market is fully rigid?! Combining the Kickr with controlled motion was just irresistible. Keep in mind the FFS was intended to limit motion on the rollers, while the E-Flex was designed to add motion to the Kickr. The articulated fork mount was the missing ingredient that improved both of them. The idea of those two very different products (rollers and trainers) meeting in the middle just perfectly illustrates where we think indoor training is headed.

We obviously were not the first to put a rigid trainer on a rocking platform. The generic rocker plate has been around for a few years, but they were (and mostly still are) fairly crude devices popular with the DIY crowd, and not very pleasant to ride. The only other serious effort to produce a commercial motion platform was the Saris MP1, a massive device touted as a "game changer" but really nothing more than a typical rocker plate with a high price and a heavy dose of marketing. The technology behind it was already obsolete when it was introduced. My feeling is if you want to make great products, you should try to advance the design in ways that matter. I think we've done that, first with the rollers and again with the Flex.

What were some of the initial mistakes or design errors or "learning experiences"?

For sure I'm guilty of not fully understanding generic rocker plates before diving in. To me they seemed unstable and hard to ride. What I didn't appreciate was how fanatical people are about the basic rocker configuration. They say they have a perfectly good design and continue to insist there's no problems that need fixing. In that respect, the seasoned rocker rider does not see E-Flex as a solution. Most of our sales are to people who have sampled a conventional rocker and didn't care for it. The E-Flex is more appealing for them because it's much easier to control and is good at both sit-down riding and out of the saddle efforts.
Conventional rocker riders have a complex little dance they do to control the rocking motion, which involves moving the hips side to side to get the desired bouncing/rocking action. In my opinion that detracts from the ride experience, and it's not great for your riding technique either. The E-flex eliminates the hip motion and keeps your body aligned right over the bike's virtual center, while your arms control the rocking motion. I think that's an important difference between us and typical rocker plates.

Are there "secret" benefits to pairing the Wahoo Smart Trainers with an E-FLEX? In other words, are there advantages that might not meet the eye at first glance? (Does the E-FLEX reduce strain on the bike frame, for example? Does it help train efficient pedaling for example? Does it help develop essential stabilizing muscles in a functional way, for example? Is there a smaller footprint than the original design?)

There are a number of benefits that apply to all motion platforms, but the Flex just elevates the experience by allowing you to control the rocking action rather than relying on springs or inflatable balls to keep the bike upright. The E-FLEX is a springless design, so it responds instantly to handlebar pressure where conventional rocker systems tend to get out of sync easily. With the Flex, you can rock the bike under any conditions and never miss a beat. And another thing that's not readily apparent is how it feels to have direct influence of the bike's behavior through handlebar pressure. It creates a very real steer/balance feedback that brings the ride to life. Rigid trainers and conventional rocker plates do nothing when the handlebars are moved. They feel disconnected and pointless. If you watch how people ride in the real world, steering plays a role in the rocking motion. Whether seated or standing, the bike steers side to side in a weaving motion as it is pedaled along, and having that same feeling on the trainer is awesome.

What does the learning curve look like for a new E-FLEX rider? What can a new rider do to get the most out of their E-FLEX inside ride experience, from the start?

There are two answers to this question. We do plenty of supervised demo rides where the learning curve is almost instant, like 60 to 90 seconds. It's really easy when you have hands-on coaching, but that is obviously only possible for local customers. For most folks it's going to take more time to get the motion right because there isn't any observational feedback. They basically have to read the instructions and think it through before taking that first ride. People don't always take the time to read instructions though, so we offer individual help for anyone willing to send us a short clip of them riding the E-FLEX. It can make all the difference. The bottom line is if you don't feel good 10 minutes into your first ride, you need to stop and re-read the instructions.

What is your favorite Inside Ride workout? What does your typical Inside Ride session look like?

I personally like to keep it simple and ride stair steps. Using the manual resistance mode on our app, I just bump the resistance of the rollers up to a 6 percent grade and climb the slope seated for 3-5 minutes. When the burn starts, I go to 10 percent and continue out of the saddle for another 2 minutes. Recover for 5-8 minutes and repeat. I do this for about an hour. And yes, I do this with the floating forkstand because it feels great and I can push harder.

Do you have new inventions in the works? Any new ideas spinning in your mind? Or, are you taking a break from creating? (You can keep this as short as "yes" or "no", or elaborate extensively!)

Well even though the E-FLEX system is still "new technology", we recently got a patent for the 2nd generation E-Flex. It has an additional steering linkage which should appeal to a wider range of riders because it takes less handlebar motion to create tilt. We also have a design for a full indoor bike that incorporates the E-FLEX system, so no need to attach your bike. This is not going to be anytime soon, but some of the bigger trainer brands are already going this way and doing pretty well. We'll be ready when the time is right.

Inside Ride “Smart” Rollers: Rollers have their place for folks that want to be strong for any event,

Inside Ride “Smart” Rollers: Rollers have their place for folks that want to be strong for any event.

Ride Inside

“I have friends that lobby against riding inside. They think it makes you soft, but I disagree. I think trainers and rollers have their place and for folks that want to be strong for any event, whether it’s a mountain bike stage race or a multi day backpacking trip to South America or you want to do well at Dirty Kanza. You want to do the work and you want to know your fitness is ready to go when Spring rolls around. And the truth is that you actually get a better workout for the time you have available with no worry about distracted drivers or which route is good for the time of day. It’s always a good time to ride and you get your concentrated workout in the convenience of your own home.

To address that concern that riding inside makes you soft or a weather wimp, I’d argue that the mental toughness that’s required to make it through a hard indoor workout is just as character-building as an outdoor ride in a downpour. You might just have more mojo available the following day to do yet another workout and less likely to get sick or burn out. You gotta take the long view and remember that good weather is coming again and those that have dedicated themselves to an indoor program are the ones that are going to be twice as prepared come riding season. They won’t be whining about how out of shape they are, they’ll be planning rad adventures with confidence.

My first introduction to Inside Ride Rollers was years ago in the gym. Upper Echelon (RIP) had a whole fleet of them and they did indoor training classes as a warmup for cyclocross season.  My trainer at the gym knew the inventor and maker of InsideRide, Larry Papadopoulos, and said he’s a great guy and that their headquarters are just over the West hills in West Union. You should know Larry. His designs have been incorporated into several models from other brands. He’s the quintessential entrepreneurial inventor.

Larry Papadopoulos

Inside Ride rollers are quite simply the best ride experience you can have indoors. The reason for this is the floating feature that allows your bike to move freely, while the rollers move on a floating track that moves forward and backward and as you do your workout. It’s hard to explain the function in words, so take a minute and watch this video

The big benefit of this is both improving your pedal stroke and greater comfort for long workouts. Also, it’s a whole body workout. You engage your core and use your upper body as you would riding in the real world. My Trainer Road program had me doing 1 hour, 1.5 hour and even 2 hour workouts. Some would question the sanity of spending that much time riding indoors, but it becomes a reasonable option with the Inside Ride Smart Rollers. It’s not only doable, it’s comfortable and even enjoyable. That’s massive for people who live in cold climates and want to prepare for spring riding.”


Rocker Plate VS E-Flex for the Modern Smart Trainer

Bringing Motion to the Modern Smart Trainer... Rocker plate VS E-Flex

The Smart trainer brought amazing innovation and visual realism to indoor training, but it did nothing for the basic experience of riding a totally rigid trainer. Rocker plates were an effort to bring a more physically engaging experience to the Smart trainer, but they have produced mixed results and very low adoption rates. Because of that, rocker plates have remained largely a DIY project with only a few commercial products available for purchase.

Rocker plates have their modern roots in the Kurt Rock and Roll trainer, formerly the only widely available trainer with built-in tilting motion. Today's rocker plates universally attach to most any trainer, but are otherwise very similar to the original Kurt. They have a pivot and springs to allow the bike and trainer to sway side to side.

Initiating and controlling the motion requires practice since it relies on different forces than outside riding. Because there is no direct control of the rocking action, they typically use fairly stiff springs to avoid excessive motion. The result: springy, rhythmic action that can get out of sync and end up being a distraction. Compared to outdoor riding (and rollers), the rocker trainer still has an unresponsive and disconnected feel.  For all the attention rocker systems were getting the last few years, they clearly did not live up to the promise of a natural ride.

To address these issues, the new Flex system for the Wahoo Kickr  was released in late 2019. It's an articulated design that provides two additional features not found in the rocker plate world. A steerable front end that directly controls the rocking motion, and a gentle forward and back gliding motion.

These two qualities are familiar to fans of Inside Ride’s E-Motion Rollers equipped with the Floating Fork Stand (FFS), so no explanation is needed there. However, where rocker plates are concerned, the Flex is a significant improvement in performance and control. It provides a much more realistic ride, without the possibility of losing control.

The articulated steering is the star of the Flex system. It recreates the steer-balance aspect of a real bike, so it feels connected and engaged, overcoming the disjointed and hard to control vibe of conventional rocker plates. The ability to use steering input to control balance and rocking motion (rather than springs) is a new thing in the trainer world. Add to that the forward and back gliding motion, and you have a full 3-dimensional and physics based ride experience in a compact and affordable package.

In summary, despite the appearance of being an emerging and transformative product, conventional rocker plates have now been overtaken by Flex technology.  For the price of a typical rocker plate, the E-flex delivers a much more natural and functional ride and narrows the gap between rigid trainers and real riding, which appeals to a whole generation of Smart Trainer owners.

E Flex platform for the Wahoo Kickr smart trainer

Smart Power Kit - Update

Smart Power Kit - Update

The firmware issue with the Smart Power kits for E-Motion Rollers which prevented it from working properly with the Trainer Road app has been resolved. We are happy to announce that it is back in stock.

Additionally we remind everyone to download the latest firmware by logging in to the Smartpower app.  Thank you for your patience. Happy riding!

E-Flex Trainer Update

E-Flex Trainer Update

The new E-Flex trainer that has been created to work with the ever-so-popular Wahoo Kickr cycling trainer is currently on back-order status. The interest for the new innovative E-Flex platform that allows Wahoo Kickr riders to benefit from Free Motion Technology as they ride is far surpassing our current production capacity.

Inside Ride is accepting orders online, by e-mail at Customers will be put on a waiting list and receive their product in the order that the request has been received in. We continue to see the list grow even as we ship up to our maximum capacity each week. Additionally, we have made changes to the product that required a slight increase in the original price, which as been reflected in our online store. However, anyone  on the waiting list (or contacting us to get on the list before the end of the year) will receive the original price.

Inside Ride thanks consumers for their interest and for their patience. We’re excited each time we ship a new batch of units out the door!

From E-Motion Rollers to New York State Champion

From E-Motion Rollers New York State Champion

Chad Tavernia a 38 year old USAC Category 3 racer from upstate New York spends about half of the year training indoors on E-Motion Rollers because of harsh winter weather where he lives. In 2019, Chad won the Whilteface Mountain Uphill Bike Race and is now the New York State Champion in the men’s elite road cycling. “I owe a big part of these two early season performances to my time spent during winter indoor training on my E-Motion rollers, which have offered the dynamic road feel necessary to endure long hours of indoor training.” Want to know how he does it? He give us some hints:

”I have been training on "E-Motion" rollers from Inside Ride which offer several unique characteristics that have helped me reach my goals, by precisely replicating outdoor riding. The thing I like most about the Inside Ride rollers is the realistic road feel. On my E-Motion rollers, I have the ability to spend long periods of time riding low cadence, out of the saddle. This is how I work on increasing my leg strength and build a strong aerobic engine.”

Chad also relied on virtual racing sessions using the popular Zwift platform and says it was an absolute game changer for priming fitness for 2019. “I trained very hard over this past winter, and was able to have my two greatest performances ever during recent racing events.” He founded a virtual race team on Zwift, and welcomes other passionate riders to join. “If you ride E-Motion rollers, train with Zwift and want to join a roller specific team, join me over at Team High Rollers on Zwift. It’s truly a way to take your indoor training to the next level.”

You can join Chad’s team here:

Smart Trainer Zwift

A Full Video Review of the Smart Resistance Unit for E-Motion Rollers and its History

A Full Review of the Smart Resistance Unit for E-Motion Rollers and its History


Tariq Ali of reviews the optional Smart Resistance unit made specially for E-Motion Rollers. He also goes over the history of past models to compare. The unit transforms E-Motion Rollers into a Smart Trainer for use with programs such as Zwift or Trainer Road.

Watch here:

A Look at InsideRide Floating ​Bike Fork Stand

A Look at InsideRide Floating ​Bike Fork Stand

A review of the Floating Fork Stand by’s Tariq Ali:


“The InsideRide E-motion roller isn’t your standard roller. They are built and known for their motion technology and bumper wheels to prevent you from falling off. If you’ve never been on rollers, you will find the InsideRide E-motion a little easier to ride than traditional rollers and more comfortable than stationary bike trainers."

The Floating Fork Stand is perfect companion for virtual cycling, like Zwift riding or use with apps like Trainer Road. Read Smart Bike Trainer’s review of the Floating Fork Stand (FFS) :

Now available as a part of the Ultimate Zwift Package: ( )


Build Your Own E-Motion Rollers Training Platform

Build Your Own E-Motion Rollers Training Platform

Do you enjoy woodworking and cycling?

Here's the story of someone else who does too, and the platform he created for his E-Motion Rollers equipped with the previous Smart Resistance unit: “My Inside Ride E-Motion Rollers with DIY Platform”

Though E-Motion Rollers certainly do not require a special platform, we sure think it’s cool to see how some riders choose to create their own, unique Inside Ride training set-ups, and this one is no exception. Enjoy!

Brand New SmartPower Resistance Control Unit for E-Motion Rollers

After a major R&D effort, we are proud to introduce our very own Smart Resistance control,  "SmartPower" to improve the E-Motion Rollers smart trainer experience.

This control unit has several new features which were designed specifically for the E-Motion Rollers.

The system is compatible with cycling apps (such as Zwift, Trainer Road and Sufferfest) but also features a handlebar remote for stand alone operation. This means you can access resistance without being connected to a computer or mobile device.
There are indicator lights showing the system status so you can tell at a glance what you need to know without trying to scroll through an app as you ride.

The SmartPower system has also been optimized for power meters. It will communicate with your ANT power meter and use the data to enhance accuracy and eliminate complicated calibration procedures. If you have a power meter, you can just begin riding and let the system calibrate itself.

SmartPower is compatible with ANT+  power meters and FEC apps.  Also compatible with the new Bluetooth FTMS for smart trainers. Not all apps support FTMS yet, but it's probably coming. Check your favorite app if you intend to use Bluetooth.

The SmartPower is available now as a factory installed option for new rollers.
Conversion kits to upgrade your existing model H rollers are available too. Visit to order yours.

SmartPower User Guide:

The Four Minute Workout

The Four Minute Workout - too good to be true?

 - An indoor cycling workout for E-Motion Rollers with detailed explanations by cycling coach Patrick Carey.

Effort not rollers insideride.jpg

Four minutes. To good to be true?

This workout might take a bit longer than four minutes, but it only requires 3 to 5 minutes of actual hard work. 

You can do ANYTHING for thirty seconds: about the time the effort starts to get really uncomfortable, you're done. The only caveat: during each 30-second interval you must pedal at absolute maximum; so hard, that it’s impossible to sustain that level longer than thirty seconds. A growing body of research shows short, maximum-effort bursts of work not only raise anaerobic capacity, but also our aerobic performance. In fact, workouts like this have been shown to create the same aerobic gains as a two-hour steady-state endurance ride.


How To Do It

Because this is a maximum-effort workout, we need to be relatively fresh. Schedule these workouts early in a training block, typically the first interval workout of the week. In other words, don’t do a four hour tempo ride the day before and expect to be fresh enough to do this workout. 

Do an effective 10-15 minute warmup, including high-cadence pedaling and at least one effort of 60-90 seconds at threshold. On E-Motion Rollers, I prefer to warm up in a low resistance setting, then set the resistance to its max and only change gears during the workout.


During the workout, alternate each interval between sitting and standing. This is why Inside Ride's E-Motion Rollers are extremely beneficial for this workout indoors. They allow full-on efforts both sitting and standing, as well as having enough resistance to challenge even the strongest sprinters.


Begin in a relatively hard gear and focus on quickly accelerating (120+ RPM’s) for each sprint. Shift and continue to spin through gears until reaching maximum capable output. Hold that until the 30-second mark. Then drop to your lightest gear and spin easy for 3 to 5 minutes until you feel completely recovered and ready to hit full-intensity again.


Repeat until you are no longer able to perform full-power sprints.



Protocol :

● 10-15 minute warmup - including high cadence and tempo/threshold efforts.
● 6-10 x 30s maximum effort sprints (175-250% FTP)
     ○ Alternate every other effort between sitting and standing.
    ○ 3-5 minute recovery between sprints - spin in an easy gear for recovery.
    ○ If you're recovered before 3 minutes, it's because you can sprint harder during the intervals!
● 5-10 minute cooldown - Easy spinning after last sprint

The Four Minute Workout Patrick Carey.jpg

Above is a power file from this workout completed on Inside Ride rollers. The athlete performed six sprints right around 250% of FTP. This is damn good power to make sprinting in your living room in the late winter! 



Why does this work?


Common thinking often views the aerobic and anaerobic systems as mutually exclusive with the aerobic pathways shutting down whenever we “go anaerobic” - as if some sort of switch gets flipped. In truth, our aerobic system never stops working, even during short-duration, maximum-output bouts of exercise. We simply reach a force/power requirement that our slow-twitch (aerobic, high-efficiency) muscle fibers can't achieve on their own. When this happens, our fast-twitch (anaerobic, high-force) fibers begin firing in order to contribute to the collective effort. and all of our energy systems are activated.


This workout's all-out, cross-eyed-hard sprints aim to recruit as many muscle fibers and energy systems as possible. Though you will only just begin breathing hard by the end of the sprint, there is a large oxygen debt created, which can take a couple minutes to go away. This debt creates signals that trigger the body to adapt and increase aerobic pathways (oxidative enzymes, mitochondrial density and others).  Taxing the neuromuscular system triggers changes in the neural networks that control the firing of our muscles. Improvements here allow us to produce more force and to do it faster, which is the essence of increasing power

Improve Your Pedal Stroke To Make Better Power

Improve Your Pedal Stroke To Make Better Power

Patrick Carey, coach from Pointway Performance ( shares a cycling workout for E-Motion Rollers that will help you get more out of each and every pedal stroke.  This cycling technique workout with intervals is a great addition to any cycling training program, useful for cyclists of all disciplines will Maximize your watts, you work hard for them!

Read More

The Cure​ ​for​ ​the​ ​Common​ ​Workout : Tempo Intervals With Bursts

The Cure​ ​for​ ​the​ ​Common​ ​Workout : Tempo Intervals With Bursts

Try this interval workout from cycling coach Patrick Carey from, perfect for E-Motion Rollers (Smart Rollers or with traditional resistance).  Patrick also explains why this training plan will make you a stronger cyclist :

Read More

E-Motion Rollers - Who is behind them, and where do they come from? (PART TWO)

E-Motion Rollers are a unique product on the market.  Their story, and the story of their inventor (Larry Papadopoulos) are just as unique and intriguing!  We're presenting a two-part Q&A series with Larry to share the story with you. 

Part 2: Let's discover the story and the roots of E-Motion Rollers.


- What made you want to become a machinist?  Did it have something to do with your cycling passions?
Well, making parts is cool and fun. Machinists come in different varieties, but my interest was in experimentation and invention. Making parts taught me how things work and I felt I could improve just about any mechanical device with precision machining skills. Mountain bikes were not around back then, but I was into motorcycles and loved to tinker.  I spent a career in manufacturing, going from being a machinist to running the design and manufacturing company we are today.  Our products are all uniquely original, but there are also a ton of manufacturing innovations that we use to make stuff efficiently. There was never any thought of outsourcing anything we could do ourselves. Yes, labor does cost more in the States, but there are so many ways that making it here saves time and money.  Not many products are made this way anymore, where all aspects of the business are under one roof. And because we sell direct to the user, the money saved on conventional distribution channels goes directly into the product. The rollers are by far the best value for the money. 

- Have you prototyped any bike parts? (What is the Preston Petty No-Dive?!)
Yes, made plenty of bike parts for various manufacturers. Our original corporate name (BCI) stands for Bicycle Components Inc.
The No-dive?  I know what it you?  Offroad motorcycles are my other sport. The No-dive was a motorcycle accessory from the 70's that eliminated front suspension dive during heavy braking. It was an interesting idea that never caught on.  It basically worked, but was not a game changer.  

- What is the story of the cycling treadmill?  Is there any relationship to the E-Motion Rollers?
Before the rollers, the treadmill was an idea I had to replicate real riding as close as possible. Nothing like that existed, so we went to work on it without any proof it would even be possible to ride. It turned out to be possible, buttook several years of incremental improvement to get it to where it was easy and fun to ride. We never found any buyers because it was large and expensive, but I do believe we were ahead our time because now almost 15 yrs later there are other cycling treadmills showing up. We have a new design for a compact cycling treadmill that we're just sitting on...if the demand ever materializes, we will begin producing them.    

- How did you come up with the idea for E-Motion Rollers?  Who were the rollers initially designed for?
The rollers are a direct descendant of the Supertrainer treadmill. The natural freedom of movement in real cycling is replicated on the treadmill, but the cost is a deal breaker for most people. Incorporating movement into a compact roller platform was the key to bringing a natural feel to something people could afford (and did not take up the whole room)

- What is the creation that you're most proud of?
Well, the rollers combine invention with my skills as a manufacturer and it sells well, so that's satisfying,  but for pure spectacle, the treadmill wins hands down.

- Are you working on anything new that you can share?
We have been testing designs for a more conventional trainer. It has no front drum so the bike attaches at the front dropouts, but it will have the ability to float and tilt similar to riding the rollers with the floating fork stand. There is nothing like it currently on the market and it should appeal toriders who are nervous about rollers. It's got the security of being supported, but still offers a more natural motion than typical trainers.

- What is your favorite thing about cycling, and what is one thing you would change a about it? (Equipment, rules, culture, training approaches, ... ?
Cycling is a great sport, but it also has it's utilitarian side in the form of transportation. Unfortunately, in many cities cyclists are seen by motorists as a nuisance, and that's not right. Each bike on the street potentially represents one less car, so in my view, cyclists deserve a thank you from every motorist and respect for doing our part. I think it would be very interesting to have a "drive your car to work day" so everyone can fully appreciate how cyclists reduce congestion.  Even aggressive bikers who roll thru stops and ride the sidewalk generally do so to avoid dangerous situations. Too many drivers don't understand that it can be life threatening to ride on the roads.

Cycling Treadmill - Inside Ride and E-Motion Rollers roots
Cycling Treadmill Invention

E-Motion Rollers - Who is behind them, and where do they come from? (PART ONE)

E-Motion Rollers are a unique product on the market.  Their story, and the story of their inventor (Larry Papadopoulos) are just as unique and intriguing!  We're presenting a two-part Q&A series with Larry to share the story with you. 

Part 1: Let's meet the man, Larry Papadopoulos.


- Larry, Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Corvallis, Oregon. My dad taught mathematics at OSU. There were 5 kids in our family and all of us knocked around on bikes in our rural neighborhood. If we wanted to go somewhere we either walked or biked. In the summer I would often spend the entire day on my own and never hear from my parents. Bikes gave us real freedom.  

- When did you become interested in cycling? Who got you into riding; was cycling an interest of other family members?
My older brother Jim, who is a bike geek and professor of mechanical engineering, got me interested in bikeswhen I was still a kid, but I didn't get into the sporting aspect until after high school. That was when the first commercial mountain bikes became available and I got hooked.  

- What is your favorite genre of riding? Has this changed over time?
I was ridingoffroad way before it was a thing and was I alwaystrashing my regular bikes. Mountain bikes came along at just the right time in my life because they combined my athletic interest with the fun of offroad riding. You also had to be mechanically self sufficient to fix things trailside. I felt like the sport was designed just for me.  Although I ride plenty of road now, I never owned a proper road bike untilwas over 40 and mountain bikes are still my natural sport.  My personal motto is "the road to hell is paved..."

- Have you raced bikes? How did you do?
Yes I raced mountain bikes back in the day and did well enough to compete at a respectable level, but I knew my limitations and also that the sport's best riders are incredible... superhuman. 

- Have you traveled for cycling? What is your favorite place to ride and where is your dream destination?
Back then there were no local races so yes I did have to travel out of state to compete, but I never traveled for recreational riding. We had agreat local trail system in Corvallis and I never got tired of riding there.  

- Is there a race, a favorite ride or a particular cycling incident that you will never forget?
Yeah. It was the first time I raced against pro mountain bikers. I had missed my expert race due to logistical issues which involved a problem with a rental car and having to ride a Greyhound bus all night to get to the race. I was allowed to line up behind the pros and just ride my own race, and for that I was thankful and figured I should stay back and not trip any pros up during the start.  It was a dusty and chaotic race at first, so I didn't know where I was in the pack, but the leaders were steadily pulling away and I settled in. I never noticed anyone behind me so I figured I was going to be bringing up the rear.  Towards the end of what seemed like a very lonely race, I was feeling pretty well hammered but did catch on to one of the pro guys on a straight stretch of dirt road and just tucked in behind him. When he said I should take a pull, I knew he was hurting and I just took off. It turns out I was not too far behind the main group and I ended up in the top ten with half the field still behind me. Needless to say, I was pumped.  


Larry, racing mountain bikes like a machine, way back!

Larry, racing mountain bikes like a machine, way back!

Larry Papadopoulos, leading the way as he powers through the mountain bike race course, before it was "a thing".  Larry has always been ahead of the game, but most of all, passionate about riding!

Larry Papadopoulos, leading the way as he powers through the mountain bike race course, before it was "a thing".  Larry has always been ahead of the game, but most of all, passionate about riding!

The New InsideRide E-Motion Rollers and Smart Resistance Unit Review - By

The New InsideRide E-Motion Rollers and Smart Resistance Unit Review- By


(Original article written by Tariq Ali, with photos: )


In the smart bike trainers market, wheel-on and direct drive smart trainers have been the choice for many cyclists. They are easy to setup, ride and can get the job done without having to worry about falling off the bike. However, these bike trainers lack the real feeling of riding a bike...


Rollers came very close to that by allowing a rider basically just ride their bike and try to balance the bike just like you do when riding outdoors. However, many cyclists and triathletes avoid rollers because they are harder to ride and require smoother pedaling and a lot more concentration, otherwise you will end up falling off and possibly injuring yourself. InsideRide wanted to change that with their E-Motion rollers...


What makes the E-Motion rollers different is the patented “free motion” technology base. The rollers will move with you making riding and standing a lot easier than conventional rollers. When you are riding outdoors, your bike is moving with you and shifts back and forth and the E-Motion rollers try to simulate that same motion. That’s why you will notice that riding the E-Motion is the closest thing to riding your bike outdoors...


The trainer comes in a large box fully assembled. All you need to do is take it out of the box and start riding. The resistance unit comes as a factory add-on for an additional $300 and it will arrive installed. If you already have the E-Motion roller (Model H), you can purchase the smart resistance control kit separately for $330.


If you purchase the smart resistance unit separate as an add-on to upgrade your current E-Motion, then it will come in its own box and you will have to assemble it. The assembly is simple and you will find full instructions included. An ANT+ key is also included with the smart resistance unit...


I have been using my InsideRide for over five years now and the new smart resistance unit for the past month. The smart resistance unit is ANT+ FE-C and Smart Bluetooth compatible.

...max slope is 6% but on the rollers you automatically gain another 2% due to natural rolling resistance, so the max slope is about 8%.  I have used the E-Motion with TrainerRoad and Zwift. The pairing process was simple and I had no issues pairing it with either app.




Final Thoughts


I have been using the E-Motion rollers for over 5 years. Long before I started reviewing smart trainers and long before TrainerRoad and Zwift came out. It made riding indoors for me a lot more entertaining and challenging. My cycling improved treamendously since I started using it. Since then, the E-Motion has evolved from manual rollers to smart rollers compatible with a variety of apps. To this date, I find riding it a lot more entertaining and time passes a lot quicker.


InsideRide also offers a floating front fork stand for $150 as an option.


If you are looking for something that is different than your traditional wheel-on or direct drive trainer then give this E-Motion a try.

A Review of the New Floating Fork Stand

Professional mountain bike racer, Evan Plews had a nasty spill this season.  It's a harsh reality of bike racing, but it doesn't mean that fitness has to be thrown out the window, or that all of the work that has been accumulated to get to a certain form needs to go down the drain.  Evan used our new Floating Fork Stand to continue to maintain his fitness while he healed.  This is what Evan had to say:

"As a professional athlete I've trained thousands of hours on my E-Motion Rollers and cannot imagine riding a fixed trainer ever again. I broke my shoulder this year. I couldn't fully support my weight and I was concerned about riding outside or on the rollers. The FFS attachment preserved the free-floating ride quality I love but gave me the security to ride with no concern for my injury. This is an amazing accessory for those who aren't ready for the total commitment to rollers or need more stability for specific workouts!"

(Learn more about Evan and follow his adventures here:

ANT+ Remote Control

One of the most visible changes to our loyal riders who have been using the older wireless control will be the new purpose-designed remote control for a bicycle handlebar.  Let’s just say our old remote was not purpose-designed for the bicycle.  We have partnered with o_synce in Germany who have designed this great sweat-proof, multi-button remote control that easily attaches and detaches on your handlebar. 

Just today we received our first bulk shipment of remotes as we start to get our inventory ready for the next generation wireless device.  Stay tuned!

Designed and manufactured in the USA.

Available for purchase online for customers in the USA and CANADA.